KR Reykjavik want Andre Hansen in exchange for Logi - AZ Alkmaar player also linked

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  • Vikingur
    Myklebust Light
    • Oct 2006
    • 289

    KR Reykjavik want Andre Hansen in exchange for Logi - AZ Alkmaar player also linked

    KR Reykjavik sporting director, Runar Kristinsson, has told Icelandic media that KR want to have goalkeeper Andre Hansen in exchange for Stefan Logi Magnusson. Hansen did very well at KR during his loan period and there is a great will to keep him at the club.

    "I will talk to Torgeir (Bjarmann) this week. Lilleström want to sign Magnusson permanantly and we want to try to exercise the idea of bringing Hansen to us in exhange, if that is possible. André is interested to stay at KR because the idea of being a reserve goalkeeper at Lilleström is not very apealing to him. Its a jigsaw that we have to solve," Kristinsson told Morgunblaðið.

    Norska úrvalsdeildarliðið Lilleström vill kaupa Stefán Loga Magnússon markvörð KR-inga en Stefán var lánaður til norska liðsins í ágúst og hefur staðið sig feikilega vel með liðinu. KR fékk í staðinn Andre Hansen sem KR-ingar vilja halda í sínum röðum og vill sá norski gjarnan vera áfram í vesturbænumm.

    Meanwhile I heard on the radio tonight that Lilleström are interested in signing 18 yr old left winger Johann Berg Gudmundsson who is contracted with AZ Alkmaar. A loan deal for next year could be an option. He is an outstanding player and what a great coup that would be for Lilleström and the Norwegian Premier League.
  • McGuffy
    Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
    • Jan 2004
    • 5105

    Lillestrøm will in no way be interested in releasing André to KR on a permanent basis. According to Rúnar and KR was interested in extending his loan deal to include the 2010-season.

    Gudmundsson will be outstanding, though I am not thrilled by young players on loan deals. (It worked well with Nordtveit though)


    • trigz
      Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
      • Jan 2004
      • 7161

      What McGuffy said. There's no way we'll give Andre to KR permanently, he's a future star. I hope a loan deal for next season goes in order.

      We haven't had a left winger for four years, so I'll take anyone, loanee or not!
      Cuius testiculous habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum


      • Vikingur
        Myklebust Light
        • Oct 2006
        • 289

        Johann Berg Gudmundsson in action:
        Goal from Johann against Keflavik in the Icelandic premier league last year, before he joined AZ Alkmaar, at 02:03 in the clip, goal of the season in Iceland:

        Goal from Johann against Grindavik in the Icelandic premier League last year, at 05:47, another great goal:

        Here are his three goals against San Marino last Friday, after the womens handball in the clip, Gudmundsson scored the first, fourth (smiliar goals) and the 7th of the game:

        Here is his goal against N-Ireland last tuesday. His goal is the first in the clip after a good move:

        Saw this on another site:
        He is the current 2nd topscorer in the U-21 qualifying with 5 goals after 4 games:
        Last edited by Torolf; 15.10.2009, 12:23.

