Treningskamp (La Manga) Murcia - LSK ons 8.feb kl.18

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  • Ketil Cantona
    Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
    • Feb 2004
    • 6813

    Brukbart resultat.... Sparer noen spillere til søndagens kamp. Søgård ok Koren fikk en omgang mens Occean sto på sidelinja. Trur vi tar køben, spillerne har vist fin form i det siste. Ang form så begynner jeg å bli litt bekymra - pleier å være slik at de gode om vinteren gjør en dårlig vår sesong... Håper Üwe holder gutta skikkelig i øra!! Grattis men goal Trond


    • Torolf
      Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
      • Apr 2004
      • 9574

      LSK har allerede lagt ut en liten sak om kampen. Flott at det skjer noe på sidene, selv om referatet er kort. Fine bilder i hvert fall.


      • McGuffy
        Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
        • Jan 2004
        • 5104

        Opprinnelig skrevet av Torolf
        Da er vi vel i hvert fall fortsatt ubeseira etter den forsmedelige cupfinalen, hvis vi ser bort fra leketurneringene i Tyskland.
        Vi tapte da strengt tatt treningskampen mot Carl Zeiss Jena etter turneringene i Tyskland..


        • Torolf
          Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
          • Apr 2004
          • 9574

          Opprinnelig skrevet av McGuffy
          Opprinnelig skrevet av Torolf
          Da er vi vel i hvert fall fortsatt ubeseira etter den forsmedelige cupfinalen, hvis vi ser bort fra leketurneringene i Tyskland.
          Vi tapte da strengt tatt treningskampen mot Carl Zeiss Jena etter turneringene i Tyskland..
          Den hadde jeg glemt allerede. Da korrigerer jeg til ubeseira ute på forsvarlig underlag.


          • Hamburg & Kanari
            Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
            • Aug 2005
            • 3006

            Opprinnelig skrevet av Rubinho
            4-0 : 2 av Twist, 1 av Gilbert og 1 av Olsen
            Bra tippet !!! Målscorerne altså...
            LSK Norges beste lag


            • Rubinho
              Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
              • Nov 2005
              • 1501

              Opprinnelig skrevet av Hamburg & Kanari
              Opprinnelig skrevet av Rubinho
              4-0 : 2 av Twist, 1 av Gilbert og 1 av Olsen
              Bra tippet !!! Målscorerne altså...
              Ja hadde jeg visst at Twist ikke spillte så hadde jeg tippa 2- 2 :lol:

              Men kommer sterkere tilbake til serien 8)


              • Marianne
                • Sep 2005
                • 179

                Stilte Murcia med sitt beste mannskap, slik Lillestrøm krevde på forhånd?


                • ChriZza
                  Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
                  • Sep 2005
                  • 4265

                  Opprinnelig skrevet av Marianne
                  Stilte Murcia med sitt beste mannskap, slik Lillestrøm krevde på forhånd?
                  Håper virkelig det :roll:


                  • sparwasser
                    Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
                    • Jun 2005
                    • 3185

                    Opprinnelig skrevet av Marianne
                    Stilte Murcia med sitt beste mannskap, slik Lillestrøm krevde på forhånd?
                    Noen som kan oversette dette?

                    "Partido igualado como el marcador pero controlado, sobre todo en la segunda parte por el Ciudad de Murcia, que tuvo casi todo el rato la posesión del balón, en parte, por la floja presión del Lillestrøm.

                    En la primera parte, el Ciudad de Murcia salía con José Juan; Dani, Cristian Díaz, Iván Amaya, Ángel; Rivero, Gibanel, Falcón, Luque; Piti y Paco Esteban. Los dos últimos jugaron como dos medias puntas alternando la posición a la hora de presionar.

                    Por el Lillestrøm jugaron Müller; Andersson, Andressen, Kipe, Stefanutto; Riise, Rambekk, Koren, Søgård; Sundgot y Mifsud.

                    El primer gol vino de un balón parado centrado desde la izquierda (según defendía el Ciudad) y que cabeceaba a la red el altísimo delantero noruego, sólo en el centro del área. Iba media hora de partido; sólo cinco minutos después marcó Cristian Díaz, también de un cabezazo, el empate entrando sólo al segundo palo en una falta que sacó con un gran pase en largo desde la izquierda Ángel. En el Ciudad se mostraron muy activos los dos puntas bajando a recibir e intentando crear oportunidades. Piti hizo de las suyas y demostró estar recuperado perfectamente. También Dani, que no participó mucho ofensivamente pero sí que subió un par de veces. Rivero lo intentó pero estuvo bastante flojo.

                    El que sí que me gustó fue Cristian Díaz estando atento al corte y jugando siempre pegado a su delantero. Más destacado que Amaya. Pero para mí el mejor de esta primera parte fue Ángel, que ha hecho una gran primera parte.

                    En la segunda, Abel cambiaba todo el equipo y jugaban Jaime; Alegre, Montoya, Assemoassa, Jonay; Cuevas, Sergio Tores, Raúl Medina, Mané; Goitom y Espadas. El sueco jugó más de mediapunta por detrás de Iban.

                    El Ciudad salió a tener el balón, sobre todo en defensa con una presencia total de Raúl Pérez que bajaba a recibir y mover la bola junto con Montoya que jugó de central y Assemoassa que en su debut dejó buena impresión. Por cierto, era curioso oir los gritos en inglés de Raúl Medina "only, only" después de haberle gritado antes "sólo, sólo" Buen toque con su zurda y bien colocado siempre, pero se nota que le falta comunicación con el resto del equipo. En esta segunda parte, pasaron más de 20 minutos hasta poder ver a Sergio Torres, un poco volcado en la derecha y que no veía una bola. Luego fue interviniendo más en el juego, que volcaron mayoritariamente por la banda izquierda, con las subidas de Mané y una vez de Jonay que también hablaba en inglés, pero éste al árbitro para protestarle por una amarilla que vio Raúl Medina por retener el balón: "What are you doing?". Al menos su viaje a probar con el Derby County sirvió de algo .

                    Por el Lillestrøm entraron en la segunda parte Myklebust, Bertheussen, Allesandre, Jørstad, Jambjo y Olsen, que fue el que marcó el segundo a los 18 minutos de la reanudación. Fue tras un saque de esquina desde la izquierda según defendía el Ciudad y tras varios rechaces le caía el balón al joven noruego, que, desde fuera del área lanzaba bajo y junto al palo izquierdo de Jaime.

                    Sólo dos minutos después volvía a empatar el partido el Ciudad por medio de Iban Espadas que cruzaba un balón tras un pase que lo dejaba sólo frente al portero, pero lo hacía desde lejos. El resto del partido fue como el anterior, con mucho toque en el centro del campo y una mayor presencia de Sergio Torres y con varias ocasiones para Cuevas, que se cruzó para rematar desde el centro; una de estas ocasiones se encontró con el poste.

                    Al final empate en un campo con mucho frío y viento, lo que hacía difícil que el balón se jugase por el aire. El partido estuvo presenciado durante buena parte de la primera parte por jugadores del Real Murcia, y en la segunda por muchos de la plantilla del Rosenborg y algún jugador del Alavés que se había entrenado poco antes en uno de los campos aledaños.

                    Alguno que haya estado puede añadir o rectificar cualquier error y si me he pasado, perdón por la chapa".


                    • Kanariz
                      Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
                      • May 2005
                      • 2507

                      Står at lillestrøm hadde overtaket!


                      • ON
                        Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
                        • Mar 2004
                        • 3639

                        The even like marker but controlled party, mainly in the second part by the City of Murcia, that had almost all the short while the possession of the ball, partly, by the loose pressure of the Lillestrøm. In the first part, the City of Murcia left with Jose Juan; Dani, Cristian Diaz, Iván Amaya, Angel; Rivero, Gibanel, Falcon, Luque; Piti and Paco Esteban. Both last they played like two average ends alternating the position at the time of pressing. By the Lillestrøm they played Müller; Andersson, Andressen, Kipe, Stefanutto; Riise, Rambekk, Koren, Søgård; Sundgot and Mifsud. The first goal came from a ball stopped trim from the left (according to defended the City) and that the highest Norwegian forward shaked one's head to the network, only in the center of the area. It went half an hour of party; only five minutes later Diaz marked to Cristian, also of a blow on the head, the tie entering only the second wood a lack that removed with a great one happens in length from the left Angel. In the City both were very active ends lowering to receive and trying to create opportunities. Piti did of hers and demonstrated to be recovered perfectly. Also Dani, that did not participate much offensive but that a pair of times raised. Rivero tried it but he was quite loose. The one that yes that I liked was Cristian Diaz being kind to the cut and always playing stuck its forward. More outstanding than Amaya. But for me best of this the first part was Angel, who has made great a first part. In second, Abel changed all the equipment and played Jaime; Cheer, Montoya, Assemoassa, Jonay; Caves, Sergio Tores, Raul Medina, I flowed; Goitom and Espadas. The Swedish played more of mediapunta behind Went. The City left to have the ball, mainly in defense with a total presence of Raul Perez who lowered to along with receive and to move the ball Montoya that played of power station and Assemoassa that in its debut good impression left. By the way, he was peculiar to oir the shouts in English of Raul Medina "only, only" after to him to have shouted before "only, only" Good touch with his well placed left-handed person and always, but note that him lack communication with the rest of the equipment. In this second part, happened more than 20 minutes until being able to see Sergio Towers, a little overturned in the right and that did not see a ball. Soon was taking part more in game, which they upset mainly by the left band, with the ascents of I flowed once and of Jonay that also spoke in English, but this one to the referee to protest to him by a yellow that saw Raul Medina retain the ball: "What plows you doing". At least its trip to prove with the Derby County served as something. By the Lillestrøm they entered the second Myklebust part, Bertheussen, Allesandre, Jørstad, Jambjo and Olsen, who was the one that marked the second the 18 minutes of the renewal. It was after a corner serve from the left according to defended the City and after several you reject fell the ball to him to the young Norwegian, who, from outside the area sent low and next to the left wood of Jaime. Only two minutes later the City returned to tie the party by means of Went Swords that a ball crossed after happens that it left it only in front of to the doorman, but did from distant spot. The rest of the party was like the previous one, with much touch in the center of the field and a greater presence of Sergio Towers and with several occasions for Caves, that were crossed to end from the center; one of these occasions was with the post. In the end it ties in a much cold field with and wind, which made difficult that the ball gambled by the air. The party was been present at during good part of the first part by players of the Real Murcia, and in the second by many of the group of the Rosenborg and some player of the Native of Alava who had trained shortly before in one of the bordering fields. Some that there is been can add or rectify any error and if there am past, pardon by the plate ".


                        • sparwasser
                          Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
                          • Jun 2005
                          • 3185

                          Hva folk på dette forumet kan. :shock:

                          Selv om ikke alt var like interessant,
                          ei heller like forståelig,
                          så la jeg merke til at spanjolene
                          bytta ut hele (?) laget i pausen.

                          En-prøve-og-feile-kamp for begge lag
                          med andre ord.


                          • Bolsen3
                            Myklebust Light
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 1061

                            Opprinnelig skrevet av Nordby
                            The even like marker but controlled party, mainly in the second part by the City of Murcia, that had almost all the short while the possession of the ball, partly, by the loose pressure of the Lillestrøm. In the first part, the City of Murcia left with Jose Juan; Dani, Cristian Diaz, Iván Amaya, Angel; Rivero, Gibanel, Falcon, Luque; Piti and Paco Esteban. Both last they played like two average ends alternating the position at the time of pressing. By the Lillestrøm they played Müller; Andersson, Andressen, Kipe, Stefanutto; Riise, Rambekk, Koren, Søgård; Sundgot and Mifsud. The first goal came from a ball stopped trim from the left (according to defended the City) and that the highest Norwegian forward shaked one's head to the network, only in the center of the area. It went half an hour of party; only five minutes later Diaz marked to Cristian, also of a blow on the head, the tie entering only the second wood a lack that removed with a great one happens in length from the left Angel. In the City both were very active ends lowering to receive and trying to create opportunities. Piti did of hers and demonstrated to be recovered perfectly. Also Dani, that did not participate much offensive but that a pair of times raised. Rivero tried it but he was quite loose. The one that yes that I liked was Cristian Diaz being kind to the cut and always playing stuck its forward. More outstanding than Amaya. But for me best of this the first part was Angel, who has made great a first part. In second, Abel changed all the equipment and played Jaime; Cheer, Montoya, Assemoassa, Jonay; Caves, Sergio Tores, Raul Medina, I flowed; Goitom and Espadas. The Swedish played more of mediapunta behind Went. The City left to have the ball, mainly in defense with a total presence of Raul Perez who lowered to along with receive and to move the ball Montoya that played of power station and Assemoassa that in its debut good impression left. By the way, he was peculiar to oir the shouts in English of Raul Medina "only, only" after to him to have shouted before "only, only" Good touch with his well placed left-handed person and always, but note that him lack communication with the rest of the equipment. In this second part, happened more than 20 minutes until being able to see Sergio Towers, a little overturned in the right and that did not see a ball. Soon was taking part more in game, which they upset mainly by the left band, with the ascents of I flowed once and of Jonay that also spoke in English, but this one to the referee to protest to him by a yellow that saw Raul Medina retain the ball: "What plows you doing". At least its trip to prove with the Derby County served as something. By the Lillestrøm they entered the second Myklebust part, Bertheussen, Allesandre, Jørstad, Jambjo and Olsen, who was the one that marked the second the 18 minutes of the renewal. It was after a corner serve from the left according to defended the City and after several you reject fell the ball to him to the young Norwegian, who, from outside the area sent low and next to the left wood of Jaime. Only two minutes later the City returned to tie the party by means of Went Swords that a ball crossed after happens that it left it only in front of to the doorman, but did from distant spot. The rest of the party was like the previous one, with much touch in the center of the field and a greater presence of Sergio Towers and with several occasions for Caves, that were crossed to end from the center; one of these occasions was with the post. In the end it ties in a much cold field with and wind, which made difficult that the ball gambled by the air. The party was been present at during good part of the first part by players of the Real Murcia, and in the second by many of the group of the Rosenborg and some player of the Native of Alava who had trained shortly before in one of the bordering fields. Some that there is been can add or rectify any error and if there am past, pardon by the plate ".


                            • ON
                              Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
                              • Mar 2004
                              • 3639

                              Ingen kommentar 8)


                              • mr.Jordbakke
                                Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
                                • Jun 2005
                                • 3845

                                Også blir det så innmari bra grammatikk... :roll:
                                NB! Sitering av mine innlegg kan ikke forekomme i andre medier enn dette forum uten skriftlig avtale med undertegnede.



                                • Hamburg & Kanari
                                  Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
                                  • Aug 2005
                                  • 3006

                                  Den oversettelsen der er rimelig bullshit, proppfull av feil.

                                  Ikke det at jeg gidder oversette hele opplegget, men det er rett og slett et relativt godt kampreferat som beskriver hvem som var utpå, og hvordan målene kom osv

                                  Det refereres mest til Murcias spillere og hvordan de fremsto, samt at hendelsene forut for alle fire mål beskrives i detalj. Gilbert beskrives som kjempehøy, og at han fikk stå umarkert i feltet... ser gjerne det gjenta seg i København mot søplete forsvarere som Judag og Hangletryne.

                                  Kaldt og mye vind i Spania
                                  LSK Norges beste lag


                                  • Rønnern
                                    Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
                                    • Nov 2003
                                    • 6690

                                    Opprinnelig skrevet av Marianne
                                    Det har blitt 1-1 også.

                                    Murcia burde vi i grunnen slå? Tippeligaen skal vel holde et noe høyere nivå enn spansk 2. divisjon?
                                    Vel, de grusa Brann i dag med 4-2. Leda 4-0, før de slakket av på farta og lot bergensera få to trøstemål mot slutten.
                                    Mvh Ronnie "The Runner"
                                    LSK for alltid

                                    Kanari-Fansen Lillestrøm, sammen for Fugla!


                                    • gamle-perta
                                      Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
                                      • Sep 2004
                                      • 2418

                                      Vel, de grusa Brann i dag med 4-2. Leda 4-0, før de slakket av på farta og lot bergensera få to trøstemål mot slutten.
                                      Sikker på at det er samme Murcia-lag? Det er vel to av dem, Celta og Real - eller noe sånn..

                                      Gammer´n (Per T)


                                      • Torolf
                                        Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
                                        • Apr 2004
                                        • 9574

                                        Opprinnelig skrevet av gamle-perta
                                        Vel, de grusa Brann i dag med 4-2. Leda 4-0, før de slakket av på farta og lot bergensera få to trøstemål mot slutten.
                                        Sikker på at det er samme Murcia-lag? Det er vel to av dem, Celta og Real - eller noe sånn..

                                        Det var det samme laget, ja: Ciudad Murcia.


                                        • Rønnern
                                          Hjelp, skaff meg et liv!
                                          • Nov 2003
                                          • 6690

                                          Opprinnelig skrevet av gamle-perta
                                          Sikker på at det er samme Murcia-lag? Det er vel to av dem, Celta og Real - eller noe sånn..
                                          Jepp, begge møtte Ciudad Murcia.
                                          Mvh Ronnie "The Runner"
                                          LSK for alltid

                                          Kanari-Fansen Lillestrøm, sammen for Fugla!

